Saturday, 1 December 2007

Imperfect Union Opening Tonight

After Shepard Fairey's immensely popular London show at the StolenSpace gallery, Shepard is set to return tonight at the Merry Karnowsky Gallery in California.

From his site...
Imperfect Union, a solo exhibit of new works by Shepard Fairey. This show displays a provocative collection of politically charged paintings, screen prints, stencils, album covers and mixed media pieces rich with metaphor, humor and seductive decorative elements.Imperfect Union is derived from the first line of the U.S. Constitution “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union”. For Shepard Fairey, critiquing the imperfect union, far from disparaging the United States, is a patriotic step toward shaping a more perfect union.
Almost all the pieces that the show had on offer are now sold out, but it is most definitely worth a visit if you're in the area; Shepards originals are very impressive indeed. The show runs from today at 8pm (December 1st) to January 14th. More information can be found on his site.