Wednesday 19 November 2008

Amy Sol: Smoke & Water

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Coming this December 6th at the Mondo Bizzarro Gallery (Rome) is 'Smoke & Water', a solo exhibition from Amy Sol.

Amy Sol is a young Korean-born/Las Vegas-based artist. Spending much of her childhood in Korea, Sol naturally draws inspiration from Asian art such as Manga and Ukiyo-e. The decadent or highly-stylized clothes of her female subjects, however, hark back to Art Nouveau. Instinctively, Sol sketchs out her images on the board (wooden panels are her canvas) and coats the drawing in an acrylic glaze to protect it, though "the piece always changes" she says.
Amy Sol's exhibitions were held in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Portland and New York City.
Mondo Bizzarro Gallery will exhibit her artworks in Rome in december 2008, for the first time.

The show will run until the 15th of Janurary; visit the Mondo Bizzarro website through this link.